Day 12 – Shopping with Pippa and Last Night at Nànà’s…

Friday, July 13th

Today was Pippa’s and my designated shopping day. After all of the hard work she did with accompanying the singers (they aren’t performing tonight because they are all going to a concert in Spoleto), she was free to have some time to herself! And Pippa loves to shop, especially in Italy! I took my time getting ready in the morning because we had no special destinations to get to or anything.

The first shop we visited was Pippa’s favorite. It holds all kinds of dresses and shirts with crazy prints that just embody who Pippa is and what she wears. We had both gotten things there a previous day, but she was adamant about going back to find something more. She bought so much!

On the way up the long flight of steps into town, we also stopped at those hole-in-the-wall shops that sell Indian made clothing – y’know, the harem pants style? She bought Maxim some cute little red pants, she bought herself some harem-y pants, and I got some harem style orange overalls (I didn’t look at the label, but they were Size Large… I’m tiny – OOPS!). I had been there before and got another harem pair of pants. The last clothing store was Trendy Girl. Everything there is really affordable and they hold everything from shirts, to pants, to dresses! I got a couple of things there.

Lastly, we stopped at a quaint wine shop that sold odds and ends of things. Pippa got loads of things, from different flavored honey, to rainbow pasta, to chocolate shot glasses, and hot chocolate sticks! She felt really satisfied with our outing but said that I make her spend too much money. Oh well!

We went back to the room to get our stuff and quickly rehearse my piece before master class – today was my concert day!!! We were able to practice with loads of time to spare and I had room for a nap before class!!!

Pippa and I playing

Though master class was pretty uneventful today, Mohit and I left early to go see a church that Jane had been raving about – San Ercolano. The church is a focal point of many of our days since it is right at the base of the long stairs. It was pretty impressive inside – awe inspiring! Mohit scared me as he threatened to play the organ. Scary stuff!!!

I didn’t want to eat before the concert because I knew that afterwards we were going to have an amazing culmination dinner at Nànà for the last time! It’s amazing that as many times that I’ve been to Nànà, I’ve never had a legitimate meal there! Before the concert, though, I did sit in the café part for a little with a glass of water and a puff pastry (Mohit’s parents had flown in for the end of our trip and offered me one of theirs). I guess I was getting a little nervous, but oh well! I was second after the intermission. I had time.

The first half of the program consisted of only two pieces because Andrew played the 40 minute long Mussorgsky piece – Pictures of an Exhibition. When I played and finally finished, I guess I can say that I was proud of myself. I mean, the second movement of Bach’s f minor concerto for piano IS NOT the Pictures of an Exhibition, but I overcame my performing fear once again and played despite my insecurities.

By the time the concert was over, I was READY TO LEAVE! I was antsy for dinner! I practically ran next door to Nànà. Obviously the service was really slow – we didn’t get our food until after 11:00!!! But it was definitely worth the wait. I ordered a special kind of steak – it was so rare and succulent I could die! Apparently, according to Oliver, the waiter, the cow drinks only beer and is massaged in beer every day. How realistic does that sound??? It must have been really expensive (I think the menu had it priced per its weight), but luckily I didn’t have to pay because Mohit’s parents covered the ENTIRE MEAL for EVERYONE! How generous is THAT?

Day 12 Fun Tidbits:
  • Daniel solved a Rubix Cube-like puzzle in less than 20 seconds with his eyes closed!
  • Mohit and Vadim decided they’d race a 60 meter dash – guess who lost. Vadim fell FLAT ON HIS FACE!
  • Mohit stole my journal and I had to ask Oliver to get it back for me.
(Marina Nebro)

Also read…
Day 11 – Some Mc Donald’s & Jazz…
Day 13 – Firenze and Saying Ciao to Italy
Great Neck Music Conservatory Visits Italy!